Find hope here.
Youthdale is a Toronto-based mental healthcare agency dedicated to helping children, youth, young adults, and families struggling with complex needs.
Most of our clients come from the Greater Toronto Area, but we are proud to serve young people and their families from diverse backgrounds and communities across Ontario.
Youthdale’s Programs and Services
Community Services
A wide range of programs and services available include psychiatric assessment and consultation, a limited number of specialized occupational therapy, speech and language or psychology assessments. Some programs involve live-in treatment or intensive support and supervision.
Inpatient Services
Inpatient units at Youthdale provide stabilization, assessment and intensive treatment for Toronto-area children and youth who are experiencing urgent emotional and behavioural difficulties. Programs may be voluntary or involuntary depending on clients’ risk of harming themselves or others.

When in crisis, parents and legal guardians can call our Crisis Service Line 24/7 to speak with a trained professional: 416-363-9990
To discuss treatment options or for other non-crisis inquiries, contact our Intake Coordinator available during regular business hours at 416-368-4896 ext. 2000. We’d be happy to speak about the right fit for your child, youth, emerging adult, and family needs.
50 years of dedication to the well-being of children and youth.
Youthdale’s team of highly skilled and dedicated psychiatrists, psychologists, neurologists, occupational therapists, child and youth workers, nurses, and social workers have worked together to meet the complex mental health needs of children, youth and emerging adults, collaborating with their families every step of the way.
We are committed to accountability and ongoing learning as we strive to do better moving forward.
Out of deep respect for Indigenous peoples of Canada, Youthdale recognizes that its work, and the work of its community partners take place on traditional Indigenous territories across the province. We are thankful to be able to work and live in these territories.
The events of 2020, including the senseless murder of George Floyd, the growing Anti-Black racism protests, and the impact of COVID on marginalized populations—particularly among children, youth and families with mental health needs—became a catalyst for Youthdale staff, leadership, and the Board of Directors to refocus and prioritize our strategic and operational commitments to diversity and inclusion.
We respect and welcome all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social class, physical ability or attributes, religious or ethical values system, national origin, political beliefs, or financial circumstances.