Re-opening of Transitional Psychiatric Unit

To the community,

We are delighted to share the following information regarding the re-opening of the Transitional Psychiatric Unit at Youthdale Treatment Centres. The Transitional Psychiatric Unit of Youthdale Treatment Centres is a voluntary 4-6 week live in mental health program established to serve children and youth aged 10 to 18 of Toronto struggling with serious emotional and/or behavioural problems and are not at imminent risk to themselves or others. TheTPU will provide assessment and therapeutic treatment by an interdisciplinary team through various methods including individual, group, and family interventions. The program will focus on de- escalation, stabilization, and assessment while supporting medication consultation and management.

Treatment within the TPU program will focus on three pillars: remediation, restoration, and reconnection (Frost, B., et al., 2017). These pillars will help focus evidence-based interventions as clients move through their treatment, with defined target outcomes.

  • Remediation will focus on recovering emotional and physical wellbeing, and fostering a sense of possibility; this will encompass treatment and will provide structure to case conference, and inform the next phase of treatment.

  • Restoration will emphasize regaining competencies and skill-building, and will work to build self- agency; this will inform the second case conference and provide direction for the final phase of TPU treatment, reconnection.

  • Reconnection, the final phase will support the re-establishment of a place in one’s community (i.e., social inclusion) and will be future oriented. Through this phase, clients’ skills, strengths, and areas needing continued attention and support are identified, and a plan of action is established to meet each client’s goals.

TPU will differ from other inpatient services (i.e., ASU and TAU) in the primary goal of treatment, age, and phase of treatment. Where ASU supports individuals in immediate crisis for 30 days, TPU works to support clients in their transition back into their community. We will focus on supporting clients to meet their short and medium term SMART goals, and establishing a discharge plan that addressing longer term goals unable to be met in live-in treatment. Skills will be highlighted and supported upon discharge to foster a healthy and successful transition.

Clients will learn how to make healthy choices for themselves and build a sense of resiliency through the supported oversight of communication, boundary setting, interpersonal interactions, and use of technology.

Referrals to TPU can be made via C.A.R.S (Centralized Access to Residential Services): 416-482-7884

Clinical Operations Manager: Alexandra Hopkins, MSW, RSW
Staff Psychiatry: Never Perez, M.D., F.R.C.P.C.
Child and Youth Counsellors: (CYC, SSW, BSW)
Social Work: Jubin Abraham
Art Therapy: Erin Briggs, RP, DTATI
Occupational Therapy: Nuriya Pochee, Reg OT (Ont)
Crisis Support: Lesley Edge, BA, BSW

Frost, B., Tirupati, S., Johnston, S., Turrell, M., Lewin, T., Sly, K., & Conrad, A., (2017). An integrated recovery-oriented model (IRM) for mental health services: Evolution and challenges. BMC Psychiatry, 17(22). DOI 10.1186/s12888-016-1164-3



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